General Blowhard speaks......
"Middle East Times" (here)
never heard of this one, bet it comes from Alexandria Virginia
BALTIMORE, March 9 (UPI) -- The head of the U.S. National Guard Bureau said the link between terrorism and drug cartels along the United States' border with Mexico is increasingly clear.
Really? Is that right? I don't see it.
Gen. Craig McKinley, chief of the National Guard Bureau, called the National Guard critical in helping protect the United States in the event of a terrorist attack and the growing threat of violent drug cartels operating along the Southwestern border with Mexico, the bureau reported.
McKinley, who addressed the National Guard's 2009 Domestic Operations Workshop, said the drug cartels in Latin America are clearly connected to organized criminal groups who support and funnel money to terrorist organizations.
Really? Is that Right? I don't see it
"The Southwest border is one of the most critical areas in the nation right now," McKinley said, according to the bureau.
"The nature of the drug cartels along the Southwest border is becoming increasingly menacing, and the linkages between drug cartels through organized crime back to terrorist organizations cannot be disputed."
This blowhard keeps using phrases like "increasingly clear" "clearly connected"
"cannot be disputed" without offering a shred of evidence to support his statements.
And of course I don't believe him because I know that gangsters are in it for themselves and wouldn't touch an idealistic cause with a ten foot pole.
But hey, what the fuck, lets toss another trillion dollars into the rathole just to support our military industial complex.
What a trillion dollars looks like....(here)
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