I was alarmed but since there was no way to substantiate it at the time, I took a wait and see attitude about this story from Al Jazeera re-printed in the Jerusalem Post....'USAF struck Syrian nuclear site'...(Link)
But then this story shows up. Here's a quote......
Furthermore, it is worth considering that the initial Military Times report on September 5 reported five nuclear missiles being found at Barksdale AFB. This was updated to six in a revised article by the same reporter on September 10. According to Madsen, his intelligence sources said only five advanced nuclear cruise missiles were found at Barksdale, after six left Minot AFB. So if one nuclear missile is still missing, then attention needs to be placed on those factions within the U.S. military and government that would benefit from the covert use of a nuclear weapon in the Middle East. Attention needs to be placed on those ultimately behind the B-52 incident, most likely based within the Office of the Vice President. It is therefore very possible that the B-52 incident involved two covert missions. (Link)
Connect the dots?
Found that one while reading about how we're going to get our asses kicked if we attack Iran (Link)
Have a nice weekend.